Trailer Decals Educate Public on Water Safety

Johnny Branstine Director of Maintenance, Brigadier General Thomas W. Kula, and  Jim Franck, President of National Carriers, Inc.
Johnny Branstine Director of Maintenance, Brigadier General Thomas W. Kula, and Jim Franck, President of National Carriers, Inc.

In 2012 Brigadier General Thomas W. Kula visited the National Carriers, Inc. offices in Irving, Texas to place the first water safety decal on the rear doors of an NCI trailer. This joint venture between the U.S. Army Engineer Division and National Carriers was designed to promote water safety throughout United States. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, accidental drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury death for children ages 1-14 years in the United States. General Kula was joined by NCI president Jim Franck and director of maintenance, Johnny Branstine as the first decal was installed. The US Army, the Corps of Engineers, the USCG, USCG Auxiliary and National Carriers were all involved in the project. The decals were provided by the military and placed on 250 NCI trailers by shop personnel. 500 additional decals have been ordered for installation in 2015. Based on 2013 statistics each NCI trailer potentially travels sixty seven thousand miles per year. Over 10,000,000 estimated views per year are projected during the ongoing water safety promotion. Safety Manager, Mickey Boyce was instrumental in the water safety promotion becoming a reality at NCI. Boyce is active in the United States Coast Guard.

Mickey Boyce
Mickey Boyce

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