NCI Finalist for 2017 Best Fleet to Drive For

*information for this blog was taken from Best Fleets to Drive For web pages

NCI Owner Operator Steve Danielson nominated National Carriers to be recognize as Best Fleet to Drive For 2017. Best Fleets to Drive For was launched in the summer of 2008 by CarriersEdge and Truckload Carriers Association and runs through the fall and winter each year. The program identifies trends, shares best practices, and publicly recognizes the for-hire carriers providing the best workplaces for their drivers.

Best Fleets to Drive For is open to any for-hire trucking company operating 10 trucks or more in the US or Canada. Fleets do not have to be members of TCA to participate and there’s no cost to participate. National Carriers is proudly a member of TCA.

To be considered, fleets must be nominated by a driver or independent contractor currently working with them, then complete the evaluation process within prescribed timelines.

  • Nomination – A driver or independent contractor nominates the fleet through this site. One nomination per company each year is sufficient. Danielson provided the nomination.
  • Questionnaire – Company representatives complete and submit an online questionnaire, providing details on company programs and policies. Each department director participated in this step.
  • Interview – CarriersEdge staff conduct a follow-up interview to review the questionnaire and fill in additional information. President Jim Franck was interviewed and reviewed the questionnaire on behalf of National Carriers.
  • Driver survey – Drivers/contractors at the fleet complete an online survey, providing feedback on company programs and overall satisfaction. 100 of our drivers participated in the online survey. We would like to say thank you to each and every one of them.

Once the questionnaire and interview stages are completed, and a sufficient number of driver surveys are submitted, fleets may advance to the final round. NCI advanced to this round of 69 companies. In the final round, scores are assigned for the breadth and depth of programs being offered, driver satisfaction levels, and driver retention and safety performance. Fleets with the best overall scores are named Best Fleets for the year.

After the evaluation and scoring process is complete, fleets are recognized in a variety of different ways:

  • Top 20 Best Fleets – The 20 fleets that have the best overall scores for the year.
  • Best Overall Fleet for Large Carriers and Best Overall Fleet for Small Carriers – The two fleets in the Top 20 that have the absolute best overall scores. One fleet selected from the 10 largest carriers in the Top 20, the other from the 10 smallest. These fleets are presented with a trophy in recognition of their achievement.
  • 5 Consecutive Years – Fleets that make the Top 20 for 5 consecutive years are recognized for their consistency and innovation.
  • Fleets to Watch – 5 fleets each year that have innovative programs but didn’t make the Top 20.

Winners will be announced January 31, 2017


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