4399 truck with trailer parking lot Passing through Amarillo,Texas around midnight, I stopped at the T/A for fuel. In the night chill I watched my breath as I fueled my truck. I needed  caffeine. As I trudged toward the fuel desk, I was approached by two young cowboys. “Mister, can you give us some money to eat?,” one asked.

Wearily,I eyed them. Instead of giving them money, I invited them to the restaurant to buy them a meal. They protested, claiming they needed to catch a ride and did not have time for a sit down meal. Grudgingly and against my better judgment I gave them a $5 bill. After washing my hands, I exited the bathroom just as the two men stepped out of the T/A laughing. I suspected they had bought an alcoholic beverage instead of food. I became irritated thinking they were taking advantage of my generosity. Growing angry, I decided to confront the men. As I stepped out of the T/A, I saw them making their way through the truck parking. From a distance I saw them enter a horse trailer attached to a club cab pickup. As I approached the trailer, I saw a light inside and heard laughter from within. This infuriated me. How could they be laughing at MY expense! I made up my mind; no one was going to take advantage of me.

I pounded on the door of the trailer and the voices suddenly stopped. Slowly, the door opened. Both young cowboys peered out into the night with mustard and ketchup dripping from the corners of their mouths. One was holding a fountain drink that they were sharing. Dumbfounded, I stared into the trailer and watched their breath form small clouds in the cold night air.

“Can we help you mister?” one cowboy asked. Trying to regain my composure, I asked if they had enough to eat or if they needed more money. The young companions assured me that the two hotdogs and fountain drink were plenty and again thanked me for my generosity.

“Why aren’t you guys riding in the pickup cab?” I asked. The young cowpokes responded that they were following the rodeo circuit and had caught a ride with a stock provider who would only allow them to ride with the animals. With a lump in my throat and a thaw covering my heart, I shook their hands and offered them additional money. They refused my offer, insisting that they were fine.

To join the “elite” fleet call James at 800 835 2097 x6424

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