J lathem and truck

NCI Owner Operator Jamie Latham’s daughter, Jessie, felt compelled to help the tornado victims in Moore, Ok. After hearing about the schools and kids who were involved she questioned her father. If she got the local Virginia community to donate items would he deliver them?

Jamie checked with supervisor of driver managers, David Hembree, to see if NCI  would allow him to use a company trailer to transport the collected items. Hembree quickly gave Jamie permission to use a NCI trailer for the relief mission.

Jamie’s wife, Megan contacted the American Red Cross confirming the donations would be accepted. Jessie wanted the school to be involved so a letter was sent home with the kids notifying parents. In a week’s time donations were flooding in. Soon it became a community effort. Multiple collection sites were set up and the loading began.

Monday, June 3rd, Jamie left Mount Jackson, Virginia headed for Oklahoma. The cargo included 13,200 pounds of water, paper goods, clothing, food, and other much needed items. The trip will be  over 1,200 miles of which Jamie will incur the cost of fuel and his time. We applaud the selfless efforts of the Latham family, they truly are “Elite”.

Ed Kentner

Jessie and Jamie Latham load relief supplies heading for Oklahoma
Jessie and Jamie Latham load relief supplies heading for Oklahoma

Director of Social Media


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