Edward. Edward? As the first grade teacher peered around the class patiently, she again called out, “Is Edward Kentner here?” Suddenly, I snapped to attention, recognizing my last name. The first name attached to my surname was a mystery, but I knew I was a Kentner. I timidly raised my hand, which got an immediate smile from Mrs. Toll. I decided at school students must have different names than at home.

Since my earliest recollection, everyone I knew called me Lee. Of course, the only people I knew were my immediate family: Mom, Dad, Grandma Mary, Grandpa Bob (not the husband of Grandma Mary), and my brothers, Gene and Steve. We were a farm family with no close neighbors or relatives. Our lives revolved around gathering eggs, raising a garden, milking cows, and slopping hogs. I always thought I was my mom’s favorite because I could make her laugh. I loved to hear her call my name. It was like hearing music.

Thus began my life with a dual identity. From the time I stepped off the school bus each afternoon until I mounted the steep, intimidating bus steps each morning, I was Lee. Lee was the animal-loving farm kid who enjoyed milk toast for breakfast. From approximately 7:15 every morning (Monday through Friday) until 3:45 each afternoon, I was Edward. Here, I was the socially retarded, country hick with two pair of school pants and three school shirts. I cleverly mixed and matched my wardrobe so none of my classmates realized how poor our family was.  I had one pair of shoes, and I hoped no one noticed. A strange thing happened that  first year while riding the bus. I found out my older brother Gene’s school name was Donald. I decided Edward wasn’t such a bad school name.

( to be continued Jan 14th)

Ed Kentner, Social Media Director, Author
Author, Social Media Director NCI, Edward Kentner has been recognized as one of the top three magazine humorist by The Columbia Scholastic Press Association. Social Media Director, Author

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