DOM Norby Sobalvarro
DOM Norby Sobalvarro

Participating in NCI’s truck lease program was a dream come true for Norby Sobalvarro. Growing up in Managua, Nicaragua, Sobalvarro remembers the first vehicle he drove was his father’s truck. “Since the first time I drove, I knew trucks would be a part of my life,” he said. He now owns a 2004 Peterbilt model 379 that he bought through NCI Leasing. He has since bought his own Wilson livestock trailer.

In 1979 war broke out in Nicaragua and Norby decided to immigrate to the United States. “I have seven brothers and sisters and I was the first one of my family to come to the US,” he stated. He lived in Florida and after a time found work in Kansas. In 1985 he began working for National Beef Products on the kill floor. For the next six years he worked and saved.

He bought a truck and returned to Nicaragua, hoping to follow in his father’s footsteps as a fleet owner. After three years of hauling cattle, he was dissatisfied and returned to Florida. Sobalvarro found a job delivering cars for the next 10 years. He married his wife Consuelo in 1996. When the car hauling company ceased to exist, he found himself unemployed in Florida.

Meanwhile, his older brother, Rubner, had moved to Liberal, KS.  Rubner worked for National Carriers in the livestock division and had an extra truck that needed a driver. Together, they agreed to help each other. Norby relocated his family to Kansas. 10 months later, Norby leased, then purchased a truck through NCI Leasing. During the past four years, Norby has proved to be an excellent businessman, an  excellent family man, and an excellent driver.

Call James Rampy to Join the “Elite” fleet at 800 835 2097 x 6424

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