When asked to describe NCI Owner Operator, Guadalupe Diaz, the answer seems to be unanimous. Mary Marquez, who now works as a customer service representative, was Lupe’s recruiter in 2002. “He was and still is, a nice guy,” she begins. “Throughout our work relationship, he’ll call once in a while if he has a concern or a question that he thinks I can help him with. 10 years later we still keep in contact,” she commented.

Current Livestock Director, Jason Greer, served as one of Lupe’s first dispatchers. “He’s a nice guy, always willing to do the job,” Jason shared. “I dispatched 48 state trucks and at the time, we had a lot of east coast freight. I kept him busy and he never complained or had a problem,” he concluded.

Former driver manager, Lisa Brungardt, echoed the sentiments of her co-workers. She stated, “Lupe Diaz is one of the nicest people that you will ever meet. He is always dressed neat and his appearance is clean. During the time I was fortunate enough to dispatch him, Lupe did what he was supposed to do when he was supposed to do it. If he ever had a problem, he was quick to call and report it. I don’t know how to say it any better- he’s just a good guy,” she said.

DOM Guadalupe Diaz
DOM Guadalupe Diaz

Phillip Eade currently dispatches Lupe in the hides division. Hides from the National Beef plant in Dodge City are transported to the NBP tannery in St. Joseph, Mo.  “He is a nice guy, steady as a rock,” Phil expressed. “Once he takes a dispatch, you don’t have to worry about the load again. I know it will be delivered and if (rarely) he has a problem, I am notified by him immediately.

Professionalism is a priority with Lupe. He strives to look, act, and behave as a driving professional. Whether working with a customer, a member of the office staff, or a fellow driver, Lupe treats everyone with respect.  It is easy to understand why Lupe is known throughout National Carriers    as “a nice guy.”


Want to Join Lupe at the “Elite” fleet? Apply online at www.drivenci.com today

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