Social Media Contest Winners Announced

National Carriers social media sites host contests that encourage NCI drivers and office staff to express their opinions.

On November 17 the NCI Facebook post read:FREE GEAR FROM NCI: EVERYONE CAN PLAY
Winner gets choice of a Stocking Cap ($7) or Leather Gloves ($5)
1. In Comment section of this post list the best “truck gadget” you own.
2. E-mail a short paragraph stating what the “Elite” Fleet means to you to


After considering all submission co- winners were announce on the NCI Facebook post on November 20th. Winners were Craig and Dawn Petty and Steve Danielson. Both were so good we doubled the Free Gear to each winner.Here are their respective submissions.
Craig and Dawn Petty: Best truck gadget to me is the blue tree ! No matter how lost we are or how big the problem is , we know there is someone that is just a button push away , we never feel alone.

Working for the Elite Fleet feels like we have a family out here on the road , not just employees of a great company. Yes, we as drivers, leave our families to come out here to provide for the nation, but never once do we feel alone. The Elite fleet is a group of individuals that all stick together and watch out for one another, whether it be drivers or office staff, there is never a shortage of caring in this company !! That’s why I AM THE ELITE FLEET!! Craig and Dawn Petty 4111A

Craig and Dawn Petty
Dawn and Craig Petty

Steve Danielson: The best gadget I have is my cordless electric razor so I can look spiffy when I greet my customers. The “Elite” fleet means a family that cares about its drivers and does the best that they can to keep them moving and making money.  The stars don’t always align and things don’t always go the way that we like, but for the most part, the family works as a family should.

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Jim Franck shakes hands with Steve Danielson
Jim Franck shakes hands with Steve Danielson



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