DOM John Olliff
DOM John Olliff

John Olliff II lives by the rules governing old school trucking. A fierce sense of personal pride heads up the list. “First, you’ve got to have pride in your ride. No one is impressed when a driver opens his door and fast food wrappers come tumbling out. A driver normally will spend more time in his truck than he will at home. So why wouldn’t you want a clean environment in which to work?” he questions.

Second on John’s list is simply, business is business.  Olliff continues, “As a company, we only have one thing to sell and that is service. There needs to be a sense of urgency attached to our job. My job is to be at my pickup location when it is scheduled to be picked up. I get the load at point “A” and it is my responsibility until I arrive at point “B”. If the driver has a problem that they cannot resolve, then the driver must be on the phone immediately to NCI. The sense of urgency must be continued until the load is delivered, intact and on time.”

Lastly, on John’s list is the “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” rule. “If you see a fellow NCI driver stopped, check on them and see if they are alright. Even if they don’t need help, the effort will be appreciated,” he remarked. “Nothing is more frustrating than picking up a trailer that needs repair. Before dropping a trailer for another driver, take the few extra minutes needed to make sure lights are working, mud flaps are not missing, and the trailer is clean. The next driver may be behind the eight ball concerning time and hooking up to a trailer with problems just makes matters worse,” he said.

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