Rear_end_of_trailer_in_trafficThe “No-Zone” represents the danger areas around trucks and buses where crashes are more likely to occur. Some No-Zones are actual blind spots or areas around trucks and buses where your car “disappears” from the view of the drivers. These blind spots are the Side No-Zone, Rear No-Zone, and Front No-Zone areas. The right-side blind spot is doubly dangerous because trucks and buses make wide right turns! Knowing the No-Zones can save your life.

Don’t “hang out” on either side of trucks. Trucks and buses have big No-Zones (blind spots) on both sides. They’re much larger than your car’s blind spots. If you can’t see the driver’s face in the side-view mirror, the driver can’t see you. If that driver needs to swerve or change lanes for any reason, you may beĀ in big trouble.

Avoid Tailgating. Unlike cars, trucks and buses have huge No-Zones directly behind them. The truck or bus driver can’t see your car there, and you can’t see what’s going on ahead of you. If the truck or bus driver brakes or stops suddenly, you have no place to go and could end up running into them.

Pass Safely. You could get “rear-ended” by a truck or bus if you “cut-in front” too soon after passing, then immediately slow down. If you do this, trucks are forced to slam on their brakes. They need nearly twice the time and room to stop as cars. So, when passing, look for the whole front of the truck in your rear-view mirror before pulling in front.

For this infromation and more visit

Jim Franck, National Carriers, Inc., President
Jim Franck, National Carriers, Inc., President

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