What were you doing in 1968?   The Jacobson family had a busy year and one thing they were doing was starting a truck line, National Carriers the “ELITE” Fleet.

If you don’t remember 1968 whether due to over indulgence or just being a  glimmer in your parents eyes.  Let’s take a stroll down memory lane.

60 Minutes debuted.  The Big Mac was introduced.  First heart transplant.  The  Beatles recorded “Hey Jude” on their new Apple record label.   Remember records?   How about 8 tracks?  Nehru Jackets?

The Dow Jones Industrial Average was 948.  A gallon of gas was 34 cents.   Average new car cost $2800.    Average income was $7800.  Minimum Wage was $1.60.

It was also a year of turmoil and social change.     Viet Nam war protests.    Black Power.   Women’s Liberation.  (Yale decided to admit females)     Two tragic assassinations.

Just as our world has evolved so has National Carriers.   We should all be proud to be a part of this storied company. It is sometimes romantic sometimes sad, depending on your perspective, but always fun to take a long gander in that proverbial rear view mirror.

But we all need to remember what is in front of us.      Moving forward requires the windshield.

And moving forward we are.   Becoming a better company because of  ongoing efforts every day by our people to make us better.

Enjoy the day, work hard and have fun.    Thank you for making us the “ELITE” Fleet.

Jim Franck National Carriers, Inc President

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