Haywood Reed began his driving career at National Carriers in February of 2002. He resides in his hometown of Colorado Springs, Colorado with his two sons.   A conservative businessman, Haywood pays attention to details. Fuel conservation, performing maintenance while on home time and buying at the best prices available, reflect his stable ideology. Reed pays attention to details.

Haywood Reed standing next to his truck # 294c
Haywood Reed standing next to his truck # 294c

Known for his karaoke abilities, Haywood began to notice that the words did not come as easily as they had it the past. Usually known for perfect pitch and timing, friends noticed that he was a bit behind the music.  He found himself struggling to stay focused on tasks such as singing and he began to grapple with short term memory loss. Setting down his cell phone, he would find himself searching for its hiding place minutes later. Headaches became common and excruciating and his energy level plummeted.
September 21, 2011 he visited his family physician. As a precaution, the doctor ordered an MRI. Neither party could have imagined what they were to find. Haywood’s pituitary gland had a tumor attached to it.  Most tumors of this type are found to be benign. The tumors grow upward, eventually pressing against the optic nerves causing vision problems and without treatment, blindness. Blockages of both nerves and blood vessels are also common. The cause of pituitary tumors is unknown.

Haywood’s surgery was performed on November 18th , 2011 in Colorado Springs.  Surgeons removed the tumor through his nasal passage. “The tumor was egg shaped and about the size of a golf ball,” Haywood shared. It was sent off to verify that it was not cancerous. After two weeks of recuperating at home he obtained a medical release and passed a new DOT physical before returning to operate his truck.

He now has a yearly MRI to confirm he is tumor free. After the fifth year , if he will be required to have an MRI every other year. Haywood encourages everyone to see a doctor immediately if they have concerns with their health.

Ed Kentner

Director of Social Media




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