From an insulin dependent diabetic to a non-medicated healthy individual in three months? The doctors said it could not be done, yet I am living, breathing proof that YOU can do it. This lifestyle is not for everyone and it may not work for everyone, but it worked for me.

Here is a glimpse of my typical non- medicated day. First thing in the morning when weather permits, I jump on my bicycle and ride for an hour. When I began riding bike in July I averaged 5-7 miles of riding in this time frame. In October I was averaging 13-14 miles. When I arrive home, I usually carve off a large portion of watermelon, add berries (blue, black, rasp, or straw) and sprinkle in almonds, pecans, walnuts (great for the heart) and sunflower seeds. A good morning taste combo is banana and pecans.

Before lunch I stop by the gym for  20 minutes of light weight lifting. Keeping what is left of your body firm is as important mentally as losing the weight. Don’t overdo it and injure yourself. Salad is your new best friend! Lunch can be a salad combined with something else or a salad alone. There are dozens of ways to prepare a salad to keep it interesting. I use balsamic vinegar and my wife prefers vinegar and a small sprinkle of oil. Mixed lettuce types, cauliflower, and broccoli or mixed lettuce, spinach, carrots, celery, and grape tomatoes creates a filling lunch. Add black beans, peppers then top with low sodium salsa and you have a great taco salad. For change up add strawberries, almond slivers, cashews raisins, and sunflower seeds. Use pomegranate vinaigrette to change the flavor to a summer taste that energizes.

After work we try to eat as early in the evening as we can. Begin with a salad and add a delicious soup such as veggie delight. Three bean chili, Pita bread single portion veggie pizza, or black bean burgers are surprisingly filling and tasteful. We finish with a homemade brownie/cookie created from bananas, assorted nuts, raisins, and coconut. Before relaxing for the evening, I grab the dog and walk the neighborhood. A brisk pace settles my supper and gets the heart rate elevated. When I get home my endorphins are pumping and I am less likely to “sit” and waste my evening.

From 246 lbs. to 180 lbs. from mid-June to mid-October. From 14 years of diabetic medication injecting 70 units per day as required to 0 units now required. From an extra-large (sometimes 2X) shirt to a medium sized men’s shirt. By changing my lifestyle I hope to prolong the quality of my life. During September my doctor ran tests on my blood and confirmed I no longer needed to shoot insulin. At one time I had high cholesterol and it was now in the normal range as were my triglycerides. Glucose levels were slightly above normal. When I was offered oral medication I choose to continue my lifestyle and check back in three months to see if the need reduction can be satisfied naturally.

The first six inches between your left and right ear will be the most difficult challenge for most who are interested in discontinuing or reducing their medication usage. It is not a diet – it is a LIFESTYLE.  In researching food, Joel Fuhrman, MD has series of books related to this subject including The End of Diabetes.

Ed Kentner, Social Media Director, Author