Today, I am medication free (the doctor said it couldn’t happen) and the blogs in this series will explain the steps I took to accomplish this feat. These observations and opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinion of NCI, doctors, or anyone else. Part 3/4

 I left the hospital at my heaviest, 246 lb.  Over the next three months I dropped 20 lbs through moderate exercise. My weight loss stagnated for the next 12 months, up a little, down a little. As my medication needs remained at 50 units of insulin per day, I continued stabbing myself in the stomach each morning and each evening. Blood sugar highs and lows remained a source of concern for me. Frequent trips to the restroom throughout the night along with tingling in my lower legs made an uninterrupted night of rest difficult to achieve. Snoring due to the extra weight made undisturbed sleep nearly impossible for EVERYONE in our household.

My wife encouraged me to study food and micronutrients. At the time, she struggled with gout and an ever increasing  need for medication to offset escalating blood pressures. Together, we decided to change our lifestyles. For me, the hardest part of the change was the first six inches, the space between my left and right ear. Once I made the mental adjustment, the rest seemed easy. Fruit and nuts for breakfast, salad and soup for lunch, and a dinner consisting of grilled veggies, beans, and a fruit for dessert. I ate as much food as I wanted at each meal.

Within the first four days my need for insulin was reduced by 50%. Twelve pounds of weight slipped away in the first week. Excitement and a sense of purpose overcame any apprehension I had concerning my lifestyle change. My energy level grew as my body weight reduced. I imagined myself carrying a 10 pound sack of sugar with me EVERYWHERE. It made sense to me by sitting down the bag I would have more energy. I began extending my exercise as my energy increased.

After two weeks, I was able to cut my insulin in half again. Weight loss continued as a result of the lifestyle change. The more weight I lost, the more energy I had. The more energy I had, the more I WANTED to exercise. Fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, and beans were the staple of these first weeks. If it was processed and sold in a bag or box I did not include it in my food choices, preferring fresh food options. Within 30 days my insulin needs were reduced from fifty units per day to five and 20 lbs. of weight had disappeared. Once I got past the first six inches, it seemed very easy to stay motivated and on the path to a healthier me.

Ed Kentner, Social Media Director, Author
Ed Kentner, Social Media Director, Author after being released from the hospital Healthy and Medication Free