Ten years ago, owner operator Ramon Pando was encouraged by his friends to join National Carriers when his grain hauling business slowed. Ten years later, he was honored as a NCI Driver of the Month. Operating his 1997 model 379 Peterbilt, Pando enjoys working with cattle. With a farming background, the job has been a natural progression for him.

“I never get bored with my job. Every day I get to go to a different place with a different group of drivers,” he said smiling. Before buying a truck, Ramon worked as farm hand, first in south Texas then in southwest Kansas. It was a laborious job, as he cut cane and weeds in the sorghum fields. Using a machete, he spent long hours preparing the fields for harvest. He learned to drive a truck on the farm, earned his CDL, and then bought a truck. He continued to labor in the fields. He hired his brother to drive the truck. When his brother took another job, Ramon left the fields to earn his living hauling grain.

Ramon is a devoted family man. His oldest son works in the Texas oilfield. His second son attends diesel mechanic school. His two youngest sons attend high school and middle school. His wife, Maria, works as a substitute cook for their school district. Enjoying his youngest son’s basketball games, being entertained at the movies, or taking his family out to eat at a nice restaurant is how Ramon spends his leisure time.  Whether at home with his family or at work, Ramon typically has a smile on his face.  Call 800 835 2097 x 3 for more information.

One thought on “Friends Encourage Truck Owner to Join NCI

  1. refujio escajeda

    yes i have one question.do u have dedicated runs from bakersfield.ca to texas. if so can you tell more about it, and i need some information on the refresher program.u are offering.you can call me at 661-336-8741..my name is refujio escajeda. have over 2.000.000..miles under my belt.i havent done physical almost 2 years.plz contact me asap.

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