NCI No-Zone trailer helps educate the motoring public.
NCI No-Zone trailer helps educate the motoring public.

In 1991 with the enactment of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, Congress directed the Federal Highway Administration – FHWA (now under the direction of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration – FMCSA) to educate the driving public about how to safely share the road with trucks and buses. In response, FMCSA introduced the “No-Zone” or “Share the Road” Program in 1994.

The Campaign was created in 1994 to educate motorists about how to safely share the road with trucks and buses (Commercial Motor Vehicles [CMVs]). Its goal is to increase awareness of the No-Zones — danger areas like blind spots, around commercial vehicles, in which cars “disappear” from the view of the truck or bus driver. No-Zones are areas where crashes are more likely to occur. Educating drivers about the No-Zones may reduce deaths, injuries, and property damage from these kinds of crashes.

National Carriers was pleased to join this effort and continues to provide education on the highways of America with our No-Zone trailer. Opportunities to educate at schools, parades, and civic clubs allows NCI to continue to further this important safety initiative.

The “No-Zone” represents the danger areas around trucks and buses where crashes are more likely to occur. Some No-Zones are actual blind spots or areas around trucks and buses where your car “disappears” from the view of the drivers.

Visit for this complete article.

Jim Franck, National Carriers, Inc., President
Jim Franck, National Carriers, Inc., President

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