Alfredo thumbs up   National Carriers, Inc. is pleased to announce Alfredo Tapia Martinez of Liberal, KS as NCI Driver of the Month for July 2017. Alfredo owns and operates a truck within the NCI Livestock Division. He attended Seward County Vocational Technical School in 2000 earning his CDL and joined National Carriers through their lease purchase program upon graduation.

NCI Director of Livestock, Jason Greer stated that Alfredo can be counted on every time he is assigned a load of cattle to transport. Cattle are shipped from feed yards in Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Iowa, as well as Kansas to National Beef Packers for processing. NCI livestock drivers are trained to load, transport, and unload cattle without hotshots or other stress inducing methods. Alfredo excels in this area according to Greer.

Guitar family bestAlfredo has another career outside of trucking that has also earned him an outstanding reputation. He writes popular songs in his native Spanish language. His songs are in demand by well-known musical groups throughout the United States and Mexico. When asked why he continues to work at National Carriers instead of pursuing a full time music career he states he would not risk losing his family due to the demands of the music business. He creates many of his song ideas while transporting cattle form location to location.

Each Driver of the Month is a finalist for NCI Driver of the Year 2017 with each monthly winner receiving a $500 bonus. National Carriers Driver of the Year is awarded a $5000 prize at the NCI Driver of the Year Banquet held in Arlington, Texas in the spring of 2018.

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