NCI August 2012 Driver of the Month

Richard Enarson

I want to thank everyone at NCI for this award,but I want to give special thanks to Jeff Chance and Jeana Huebert, two very special hardworking people! My family has had some tramatic hardships over the years and Jeff and Jeana have always been there with kind words, cards and help in any way they can. I feel Jeff and Jeana are so much more that super work partners, they are very special freinds and family. Thank you so very much Jeff and Jeana.

Along with them there are some other people I have worked with personally, Dan and Shawn on night dispatch, Jill, Heather, Penny and dearly departed Barney. Shelia and Joanna in the trailer shop. I do not have the opportunity to get through NCI shops and these gals bend over backwards to help in any way they can. BJ in settlements is always on top of any issues and gets them resolved. 

I have worked for many companies over my 45 years on the road, but have never been as happy as I am at NCI. Once again I want to thank EVERYONE at NCI for being truly, “Elite”.  RICH ENARSON

Join the “Elite” Fleet today, call James at 800 835 2097 x 6424