The pituitary gland is often considered the “master gland” because it regulates most of our body’s hormones. About the size of a pea, it is located in the center of our heads, behind our eyes, slightly below the optic nerves and in back of our sinus cavities. This small organ controls many areas of the body including but not limited to, energy level, growth, sexual stimulation, along with high blood pressure or high blood sugar levels.

Haywood Reed began his driving career at National Carriers in February of 2002.  A conservative businessman, Haywood pays attention to details.  Known for his karaoke abilities, Haywood began to notice that the words did not come as easily as they had it the past. He found himself struggling to stay focused. Headaches became common and excruciating.

Haywood Reed fully recovered after tumor was removed.

Soon he visited his family physician. As a precaution, the doctor ordered an MRI. Neither party could have imagined what they were to find. Haywood’s pituitary gland had a tumor attached to it.  Normally, the tumors grow upward, eventually pressing against the optic nerves causing vision problems and without treatment, blindness.

Haywood scheduled surgery and surgeons removed his tumor through his nasal passage. “The tumor was egg shaped and about the size of a golf ball,” Haywood shared. It was sent off to verify that it was not cancerous. After a few weeks of recuperating at home he was required to obtain a medical release and to pass a new DOT physical before returning to operate his truck.

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