Appearance and attitude do make a difference. Steve_Danielson

I have been around this industry for quite a number of years as have a lot of you.  I remember the days when drivers dressed in clean jeans, a clean shirt, and real shoes or boots.  They made sure they looked good when they walked into the shipper, receiver, or in to the truck stop to see their favorite waitress.  Same with their attitudes.  Sure, every- one has a bad day, but the drivers I saw usually had a smile or at least a somewhat happy expression on their faces whether it was real or  put on.

Not so much in today.  I spend a lot of time at  large company distribution centers and believe me, you see all kinds.  Unwashed, unshaven, pajama pants, shorts hanging down so low, you have to hold them up when you walk, flip flops, grease stained t-shirts.  We’ve all seen it and most of us would agree that it looks unpleasant.  I know of a couple of driver rooms that people have bailed out the door because “Stinky” walked into the room. It was obvious that he hadn’t taken a bath in weeks…Receivers associate those people with the companies that they drive for.  We don’t want to be one of those companies.

Before you get out of your truck, take a second look at yourself and ask; Would I look like this if I was going out with my wife or girlfriend to dinner, movie, or out on the town? If you answered yes, then you probably have it right. If you said no, consider washing your face, putting on a clean shirt, pulling up those pants and be proud of yourself.

Your attitude has a lot to do with the way you are treated too.  If you walk in with a chip on your shoulder, and it shows, you might not have a very pleasant experience.  We all have bad days.  If you are having a bad day, try to put it aside for a minute and put a smile on your face.  When you walk up to that receiver or shipper, smile, be positive. Believe me, things go a lot smoother.  Of course, that person behind  the window may be having a bad day too, but a smile and a kind word can do wonders.

Happy Trails

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