In light of the recent events in Connecticut, I want to write on the value of life, the human spirit and how we at National can learn from this tragedy.  I don’t pretend to have all the answers and don’t understand why this happened.  Whatever your religious beliefs, if any, I think it’s important that we understand that a tomorrow isn’t promised.  We have to live for today and “hope” that our tomorrow is a success.  No amount of planning  can prepare you for anything like what happened in Newtown,Ct. Instead of writing about what we do at National, I think it’s important that we all understand business or not, human life is of more value than anything we can do at National Carriers or any other company.  When it comes to children, no words can be written or said to understand the grief that comes as a parent of a lost child, but we can all do our part and pray to whatever God, if any, you choose to pray to.

NCI Area Manager / Driver Manager: David Hembree
NCI Area Manager / Driver Manager: David Hembree

Let’s be thankful for what we have and hold our loved ones close because we never know what tomorrow may bring!  The human spirit is strong and unbreakable, only through family and friends can we overcome our worst and only through family and friends are we at our best!

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