NCI Director of Business Development: Whit Welsh
NCI Director of Business Development: Whit Welsh

We have a can do attitude – Market Share 2.0

I am fortunate enough to be celebrating 2 years of employment at National Carriers. I have enjoyed my time here and I am hopeful for a long and successful stay. Selling our service and representing National Carriers to our customers is a privilege. As you all are aware, National is the “Elite” Fleet. To me, that means that we strive to surpass industry standard in everything we do. I wanted to share some observations on how we reach for such a goal.

Regardless of what your responsibility is at National Carriers, you face a lengthy list of challenges in order to be successful at your task. These challenges are varied, connected, and to some extent, uncontrollable. They cannot ever be completely overcome. That is the bad news, and it is true. The good news is that you work at a company that understands this and provides some tools and some tips for succeeding in you role.

National Carriers provides an environment where it is acceptable to ask for help. We have a can do attitude. This attitude runs throughout our organization and it is a key component to who we are. Our company also understands that what we must provide to our customers is exceptional service. Whether the customer is a shipper, driver, receiver, or the public, we strive to give them the best service we can, every day. National is also committed to the most ethical execution of all of its tasks. This does not mean doing the right thing, it means doing the right thing and doing what is best for all parties. We also value and require a positive state of mind. Staying positive allows us to work together, rise above the problems, find better solutions, and enjoy what we do.

In order to keep our company successful we need to reinforce the best qualities of the “Elite” Fleet. We share our struggles and our victories. We do all we can to provide exceptional service on a consistent basis. We care, and we let that show in the decisions we make. We do all of this while fostering a healthy and enjoyable work place. Finally, we realize that this is a special opportunity to work at such a company, and do what we can to further our elite status.

Whit Welch

Director of Business Development

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