NCI driver is thanked by US soldier
NCI driver is thanked by US soldier


 “First of all, let me start by saying thank you on behalf of the men and women of our armed forces, for whom your generous time and resources will be of benefit.  I know my colleagues in Texas are grateful for your help at this time of year,” wrote Jonathan Matthews, Director of Logistics and Facilities for the USO.

     The USO needed a donation of furniture moved from JC Penny to their facility in Fort Hood, TX. The furniture was located in a warehouse in Haslett, TX.  Matthews contacted the American Trucking Association, asking for assistance in transporting the donated materials.

     “As an active member of the ATA, when the request crossed my desk, there was no hesitation volunteering to help the USO. National Carriers is involved in the ARMY Pay program. We deliver frequently to military bases, and actively participate in job fair opportunities at Fort Hood. This was a natural fit for NCI,” said Jim Franck, president of NCI. “We support our nation’s armed services whenever possible,” he concluded.

     Retired Army National Guard staff sergeant Glanville Bethell was selected to transport the load from Haslett, TX, to Fort Hood. Glen operates company truck #2667 and is very familiar with the USO programs.

     “I considered it both an honor and a privilege to have been selected to haul this load. The people at the JC Penny warehouse were very helpful. The drive to Ft. Hood was pleasant, and the soldiers and staff were very appreciative of National Carriers,” he shared.

       When Bethell arrived at the fort, he delivered to a USO storage facility. The storage building did not have a dock. Volunteers unloaded the cargo by hand, with the ranking members of the unloading crew being E-5 and higher. Once unloaded, the soldiers and staff expressed their heartfelt thanks to Bethell and NCI. Isabel Hubbard of the USO summed it up. “We appreciate business firms such as National Carriers who donate their time and resources to support our military forces.”