Quality Service Equals Long-Term Success – Market Share 5.0

It is important that we are all clear on what our company does. National Carriers provides a service to its customers. Quality service is what we create and provide. And it is what we sell.

Richard Enarson
Richard Enarson

Service is defined as the action of helping or doing work for someone. In trucking, service is the action of picking up product and delivering it as instructed by the customer. It is required that this service be done safely and in a timely manner. That is how we, and our customers, define quality service.

Our ability to provide quality service is the key to our long term success. It also defines how our customers and our peers see National Carriers. The best carriers provide the best service. That is the simplest definition for the market we exist in.

Quality service is what we do and who we are. It is our product, our reputation, and our legacy. It is of the utmost importance and it is up to each of us to improve our abilities to provide service to our customers.

How do we do that? First, we must understand and accept that the service we provide, transportation, is easy to define, but difficult to execute. There are many different variables that can derail our ability to service a customer. Some of these variables we cannot control and some of them we can.

Let’s look at the variables that effect our service levels that we cannot control. Examples of these are: weather, break downs, traffic, delays at shipper or stops, etc. Since we cannot control these, our ability to manage them is very slight. When these variables become issues, all we can do is communicate the problem and develop the best possible solution, in a quick manner. Anytime we are faced with these challenges, we have an opportunity to demonstrate our passion for service. That means telling the truth, telling it quickly and completely, and offering a solution. We must do this every time.4427 Mojave Desert sundown

Next month I will write about the variables that effect our service levels that we can control. Until then, please consider how important service is to our company and our customers. We all need to work towards providing better service each and every day.

Whit Welch

Director of Business Development

National Carriers, Inc.

Toll Free: 800-728-9128 Ext. 6434

Cell: 972-975-8944

Fax: 469-586-2599


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