Jim Franck, National Carriers, Inc., President
Jim Franck, National Carriers, Inc., President

As we all know, we can’t spend all our time looking in the rear view mirror. It is the windshield time that moves us forward. The freight business has changed more in the past few years than at any time since deregulation. Rules, regulations, fuel prices, EPA mandated equipment changes, Elogs, CSA, driver shortages, market fluctuations, on again off again economic recovery; let’s face it, just trying to find a place to park that rig for the night brings all of us new challenges. Doing business like we did 30 years ago just doesn’t work today.  Actually, doing things tomorrow, like we did yesterday, probably won’t work either.

To deal effectively with this dynamic environment, we must embrace change. We must be open to new ways to get the job done. Not everything will work, we won’t know until we try. Fortunately, we have the team in place to lead us down the road. It won’t always be smooth, but we will always be moving forward. It won’t always work, but we’ll need to be smart enough to make the course correction. It won’t always be popular, but we must have the resolve to see it through for our mutual success.

I am proud to be a part of the NCI future and excited to see where this journey takes us.

Thank you to all the dedicated NCI Employees, Contractors and vendors that work hard every day to do what is right.

Join NCI today at www.drivenci.com

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