New Director of Operations, Jeremy Hinson introduces himself.

Jeremy Hinson: Director of Refrigerated Operations
Jeremy Hinson: Director of Refrigerated Operations

Hello to All,
I am very excited to join the NCI team and am happy to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you. My family and I are relocating to Irving, TX from Lakeland, FL and they will be joining me in the next few weeks.  My wife, Kelsie and I have been married for 11 years and we have three sons and two daughters ranging in age from 4 to 10.  Needless to say, there is seldom a quiet moment at home…just like in the office.
I guess you can say that trucking is in my blood because both of my grandfathers were truck drivers and my father has worked in trucking management since before I was born.  Following in the family tradition, I started my first job stripping decals off trade trailers when I was 16.  Over the past 16 years, I have worked in road service, night dispatch, driver-management, load planning, on-site at customers and in terminal operations.
I pride myself on a fierce devotion to the team and to our mission.  The team means everyone from the driver to the mechanic to the dispatcher to our executive management group.  The door to my office is always open and I welcome feedback from everyone.  I may not always be able to give you the answer you want to hear, but I will promise a straightforward, honest answer every time.
Our mission is to deliver world class transportation service to our customers, a rewarding career to our team members and a superior return on their investment to our owners.  I will dedicate my time here to accomplishing this mission every single day.
From a customer demand standpoint, this is a great time to be in trucking.  There is tremendous need for capacity in almost every market and we are well positioned to capitalize on that demand.  There are also significant challenges.  Changing regulations, a continued shortage of qualified drivers and ever escalating costs require that even when business is strong, we continue to operate as efficiently as possible.  Outsiders call trucking a simple business.  Those of us on the inside understand just how complex it really is.  I am happy to join the stellar management team in place here and look forward to working with all of you as we continue to distinguish NCI as the “Elite” fleetDFW Airbrush with plane

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