Moving a Family from Honduras to the States
As a young boy in Comayaqua, Honduras, Miguel Fonseca had a vision. “One day, I dreamed about going to the U.S.,” Fonseca said. But his dream did not end with that, Fonseca has made it his personal goal to visit every state in the union. “The only states I have not visited yet are Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and Alaska,” Fonseca said laughing. “I am able to visit so many states because I drive truck.” Fonseca has been a truck driver for 12 years and has been driving for National Carriers for five of those years. “Nobody likes going to New York, I love New York,” Fonseca exclaimed. His love of his job and the beautiful countryside makes it hard for him to choose a favorite place. “There are so many beautiful states, but I like Colorado, Texas, Florida and the I-70 stretch of Kansas the best. It is really pretty through there,” Fonseca said. Receiving his work visa in 1988, Fonseca has been a naturalized citizen for 14 years. Over the years, he has painstakingly brought each of his five children to the states. His wife Edith, still resides in Honduras but according to Fonseca that may change before the end of the year. “We have already gone through the process. It won’t be long now. I am tired of being lonely,” Fonseca said. In a few months, the last of the lengthy and exhausting ordeal in getting her to the states will end with an interview at the U.S. Embassy in Honduras. “They want to interview us to make sure we are a real couple,” Fonseca said with a chuckle and then added, “We have three children together. I would think that makes us a real couple.” Fonseca has four boys and one girl. Their ages are

20,19,18,14 and 7 years old. All of his children are living with realities in Liberal, Kansas. The two older boys work at National Beef in Liberal, but for the time being Fonseco calls Miami, Florida home. “When I get Edith to the states then I will buy a home for us in Liberal,” Fonseca said. “I like Liberal because the people are nice and it is a great place to raise my children.” Fonseca exemplifies National Carriers committed to professionalism and customer service with his determination to keep focused on his personal and professional goals. His love of the country keeps him positive and looking forward to the adventure that each day brings. “I do my job. I never refuse a load. If you don’t hear from me then everything is fine. If you hear from me then there is trouble.” Fonseca said.
Author Dawn Shouse