Blog Submitted by Steve Danielson Truck # 1025

Steve Danielson
Steve Danielson, Owner Operator leased to National Carriers, Inc.

Two and a half years ago, things were pretty bleak at National Beef in Moultrie, Ga. Their customer decided to take their business somewhere else causing the plant to lay off over 400 employees and for us to lose 7 full time drivers that had been running out of there for several years.

Fast forward a year. Moultrie has a new customer with a good size presence in the Southeast. We started out with loads each week going to southern Florida. Slowly things began to grow. We had more loads each week going to south Florida.

Earlier this year things really began to grow. We now have full time trucks running to multiple locations in Florida. We also have loads going to  Louisiana using NCI trucks.

National Beef Packers offices in Moultrie, GA
National Beef Packers offices in Moultrie, GA

This past Wednesday, a major announcement was made in Moultrie. The Georgia governor was even there. National Beef has committed to 9 million dollars in improvements and the hiring of 200 more employees, bringing the total up to over 400 jobs.

As drivers for National Carriers we have an important part to play in this growth. If you are delivering to one of the warehouses, you need to deliver at your scheduled appointment time. This product is time sensitive. Sometimes these delivery points can be a pain. Please be patient. Take a nap, relax. It takes a while to get unloaded as there is a lot of breakdown.

If you are bringing inbound product into Moultrie, please deliver at your scheduled time or before. The raw product you are bringing in is going to get processed and sent out the same day. If you are late, there could be as many as 10 outbound trucks late that same night because they had to wait on you.

We have a great opportunity to be part of something big. If we all do our part, we can help make this a big success for both National Beef and National Carriers.

This rainbow encircles the NBP plant in Moultrie, GA


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