Jose Aragon Driver Seat     Jose Aragon has been an owner operator in the National Carriers livestock division for the past twenty-one years. He has operated his vehicle without any accidents for over two million miles. A leader in cattle handling, he also raises livestock on his 500 acre ranch outside of Liberal, Kansas. His wife, Argelia, is an employee of the Liberal Police Department.

When asked his secret to long term success, Aragon replied, “I like my job. It is a good way to provide for my family. When I am not hauling livestock or working on my truck, I am taking care of my cattle. I began working at National Carriers in 1997.  I have three children,  a daughter Yesenia, and sons, Andrew and Jose, Jr. There have been many changes over the years, including my son Andrew joining me hauling cattle in the livestock division. I appreciate being chosen for this award.”

Jose, Jose Jr, ArgeliaNational Carriers spokesperson, Ed Kentner shared, “It is dedicated company drivers and owner operators who have built and maintain our company reputation as the “Elite” Fleet. We are excited as we move closer to our annual banquet when we will name our 2018 Driver of the Year. Jose received a bonus of one thousand dollars and is now finalists for 2018 Driver of the Year, which includes a ten thousand dollar prize for the winner. The recipient will be named at the NCI Driver of the Year banquet held April, 5th, 2019 in Arlington, Texas.”

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