Haywood Reed Receives Award

Haywood Reed receives his ten year safety award from Heather Wright
Haywood Reed receives his ten year safety award from Heather Wright

National Carriers, Inc. has awarded Haywood Reed a Seiko wrist watch in recognition of ten years of safe driving and superior service with NCI. Each driver that drives accident free is recognized for their accomplishment at National Carriers. Reed also received a ten year pin and a matching safety hat.

Reed has been a driving professional at National Carriers since February of 2002 and lives in Colorado Springs, CO. He has driven over 1.25 million miles without a reportable accident. The “Elite” Fleet strives to keep the motoring public safe throughout the millions of miles traveled each year by National Carriers, Inc. trucks.

Haywood Reed is an amazing person. In 2002 he was diagnosed with an egg sized tumor attached to his pituitary gland that required surgery.  A few weeks after the procedure, Haywood was back on the road, doing what he loves –driving,  National Carriers, Inc. Director of Media,” Ed Kentner shared. “Haywood Reed receives award despite circumstances is how the newspaper article should read.”

Known for his karaoke abilities, Haywood began to notice that the words did not come as easily as they had it the past. Usually known for perfect pitch and timing, friends noticed that he was a bit behind the music. He found himself struggling to stay focused on tasks such as singing and he began to grapple with short term memory loss. Setting down his cell phone, he would find himself searching for its hiding place minutes later. Headaches became common and excruciating.

While Haywood continued to drive his Volvo, his joints became sore and his energy level plummeted. Feeling lethargic became more common and sluggishness set in. As time passed he became physically weak and he noticed slight vision changes. Concentration became a battle too as his headaches became constant. No longer able to endure the pain and discomfort, Haywood made an appointment with his doctor.

On September 21, he visited his family physician. As a precaution, the doctor ordered an MRI. Neither party could have imagined what they were to find. Haywood’s pituitary gland had a tumor attached to it. Most tumors of this type are found to be benign. The tumors grow upward, eventually pressing against the optic nerves causing vision problems and without treatment, blindness. Blockages of both nerves and blood vessels are also common. The cause of pituitary tumors is unknown. According to www.Stanford Medicine.edu, 25% of the US population has small pituitary tumors; however, only 14 out of 100,000 people will have their health affected by this.

Haywood’s surgery was performed on November 18th in Colorado Springs. Surgeons removed the tumor through his nasal passage. “The tumor was egg shaped and about the size of a golf ball,” Haywood shared. It was sent off to verify that it was not cancerous. After two weeks of recuperating at home he was required to obtain a medical release and to pass a new DOT physical before returning to operate his truck.

Haywood in front of truck

National Carriers is a diversified motor carrier servicing all 48 states in the continental United States with transportation offerings which include refrigerated, livestock, and logistics services. At National Carriers, our mission is “to be the safest, most customer-focused, and successful motor carrier in our class.” Our team consists of only the Elite driving and office professionals.

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