Driver Thankful for Help During Emergency

Submitted by NCI company driver, Robert Baker

I was off for a week due to medical issues. I had emergency surgery to remove my appendix. During that time our safety department went above and beyond the call of duty to make sure I was taken care of. The day I went into the E.R. in Liberal, Heather Wright bought my son his supper while I was in surgery. She still refuses to let me pay her back.

NCI Compliance Manager Heather Wright
NCI Compliance Manager Heather Wright

Before my wife could arrive to take me home, I was discharged  from the hospital. Jill Maschmeier came and picked me up from the hospital in her personal vehicle.  I don’t know what else to say but THANK YOU!

NCI Director of Safety, Jill Maschmeier
NCI Director of Safety, Jill Maschmeier

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