NCI Area Manager / Driver Manager: David Hembree
NCI Area Manager / Driver Manager: David Hembree

We’ve all heard the saying “Live for today because we aren’t promised a tomorrow.”  While that’s a great philosophy in life to live by, for some in trucking it just isn’t so.  Instead we need to plan for tomorrow to make our today successful.  I’ve been in the industry for a little over 12 years, 10 of those years planning.  Here at National I’ve found a home filling in as a Rover and I can say I really enjoy our professional drivers and our professional office staff.    I can say by far planning is the most challenging role I’ve done in my 12 year career in the industry.  Our President Jim Franck stated, “we must embrace change,”how true those words are.  At National a “planner” is a new role and position and we have a lot of challenges ahead of us to make this an “Elite” role.  I can assure you that National has hired a competent core group of planners led by Dave McNichols who are up to the challenge of making National Carriers the “Elite” fleet in the industry.  It’s a learning process and won’t always be pretty, but every day creates a new challenge and learning experience for all of us at National.  Always keeping the needs of our professional drivers in mind is goal number one for every planner! While we can’t always meet their needs 100% of the time, we are working hard learning from our mistakes and listening to the expectations our drivers demand of us to bring us to that “Elite” status in the industry.  I am very happy and proud to be a part of National Carriers and I look forward to seeing what the Planning Department can do to make each and every driver a success story and not just another number on the road!

David Hembree

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